Monday, June 28, 2010

St. Pete Beach Photographer - A Sunset Session

I was invited this last weekend to assist in a sunset photo session by my friends, Cristy and John Nielsen.  They were shooting a couple on St Pete Beach and needed an extra hand and, needless to say, I was more than willing to help! Maybe its just because I'm a Florida girl, but there is something so refreshing about beach sessions.  Not to mention the amazing chemistry between these two.

Here are some of my favorites from the session. Thanks for inviting me along Cristy and John!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Jenny Busing Photography is NOW JenLynn Photography!

I am excited to share the new and exciting name and look! Although I do love my last name, Busing can be quite a bear to pronounce for some people (its really pronounced Bizz-ing) and lets face it, Jenny Busing doesn't roll of the tongue quite the same as JenLynn. A BIG thank you to Laura for all your creative juices and time.

Till next time,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Exciting Plans are Around the Corner!

I'm excited to say, I've been working with Laura Helm of Ashton Events (also a graphic designer - she's amazing!) on revamping the Jenny Busing Photography name and logo.  With that said, the blog name will be changing in the near future, along with the logo.  So keep your eyes peeled for an exciting, FUN new look!
One step at a time,...

Jenny Lynn Busing

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sisterly Love

I love these girls!  Leia and Clara light up my life.  They were in town this weekend visiting family and I wisked them away (with an extra hand for help - thanks Melissa!) for a photo session.  Don't you just love the colors? Their little outfits are so full of summer!  Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

As the world turns...

In 2007, Cristy and John were the photographers at my wedding.  What are the odds that three years later I would be spending a weekend with them and posting pictures of their family on my blog? Crazy! They have rekindled my love for capturing life's moments and have played such a wonderful role in helping me understand this great big world of photography. The Nielsen are two of the most spunky, caring, creative and FUN individuals I've ever met and their two beautiful girls are as animated in real life as they are in these pictures. Thank you guys for opening your home to us and inviting us into the day to day of "the nielsens." Your friendship and mentorship has meant more then you'll know!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Lakeland Florida Photographer - Graduation FUN

Last night my niece, Jaiden, graduated from Pre-K! I think I forgot about all the cute stuff that kids do and learn at this age. I loved it... the songs, hand motions, and accessories. It's all so fun. After the graudation, my husband and I received a hand written note from Jaiden in giant lime green crayon letters: "DEAr AUNT JENNY ANd UnCLE BriAN I lovE YoU ANd I HOPE YoU HAVE A SAFE drivE To mY GrAdUaTion LOVE JAidEN." Precious! The funny thing was, traffic was horrible because of a wind storm that ripped down telephone poles on highway 98. What are the odds? Love you pretty girl!