Tuesday, June 8, 2010

As the world turns...

In 2007, Cristy and John were the photographers at my wedding.  What are the odds that three years later I would be spending a weekend with them and posting pictures of their family on my blog? Crazy! They have rekindled my love for capturing life's moments and have played such a wonderful role in helping me understand this great big world of photography. The Nielsen are two of the most spunky, caring, creative and FUN individuals I've ever met and their two beautiful girls are as animated in real life as they are in these pictures. Thank you guys for opening your home to us and inviting us into the day to day of "the nielsens." Your friendship and mentorship has meant more then you'll know!


  1. Beautiful captures Jenny! It was great meeting you last month - and I'm in total agreement about John and Cristy being "spunky, caring, creative and FUN individuals"!!!

  2. Thanks Joy! So great to meet you too. What a treat to catch a few of these moments of the Nielsen Family.
